Loans of $100,000 and up


Established in Montreal, Crawford & Finchley Capital is a private loan company. We have developed a wide range of innovative strategies to help you to quickly get the financing you need. Even if your credit rating does not meet the creditworthiness criteria of traditional lenders, you have options.

At Crawford & Finchley Capital, our main factor in the assessment of your mortgage risk lies in the value of your collateral, i.e., the property pledged as security. With our accelerated process, we’ll respond to your request in days, rather than months. We can grant you a first or second mortgage. Interest rates vary between 10% and 15%.

Our commitment

As an alternative to traditional lenders, we offer a fast and efficient process for people who cannot meet the typical criteria for short and medium-term loans.

The regions we serve

Our private loans are available throughout the Greater Montreal area. We proudly serve Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, as well as the North and South Shore urban agglomerations.

Do not hesitate to contact us to subscribe to one of

our private loans.