Loans of $100,000 and up

Construction Loan

Are you looking to renovate your home so you can sell it at the best price? Are you considering a real estate flip? For this type of project, which requires rapid action, private loans provide your best financing solution.

Given the risks associated with these kind of endeavours, traditional lenders tend to be less inclined to lend funds.  But at Crawford & Finchley Capital, we can provide the support you need for your flip.  Our unique lending criteria offer more possibilities than traditional bank loans. 

Rather than basing your eligibility on your credit rating or reported income, we focus on the net value of the property you are pledging as security.
We’ll review your file and get back to you within 72 hours.

To assess your eligibility for a private mortgage, simply complete our online private mortgage form.

Construction loan, Quebec

Do not hesitate to contact us to subscribe to one of

our private loans.